Murphy & Me: Laptop Lamentations

Posted by Searching Life at Monday, June 21, 2010
I am deeply ashamed with my rather long hiatus. Don't be angry at this tactless comment, but I take pleasure in destroying readers' brain cells with my pointless rants (and atrocious grammar and spelling errors). I hope you have heard of that annoying "Murphy's Law" because it just so happens to play a large role in my life. My friend Ash always says that Murphy is practically in love with me...well the feeling certainly is not mutual. Observe.

My laptop got beheaded by my dog. Well, technically she was searching frantically around my room in search of food. How an animal with that much of a keen smell could mistake such an invention for something eadible is well beyond my comprehension. She ended up knocking it off my desk and "Lappy the 3rd" broke. Supposedly, it's "motherboard" was destroyed, according to those money grubbing enablers who had my wallet writing in pain just to check it out. In modern vernacular, it now suffers from servere mental retardation, given the fact that it's "brains" are practiacally falling out.
Then again, I figure that you would be scarred to if you were mauled by a rather large Australian Shepherd, driven by her stomach. On a tangent, you can probably see why I say that my dog's appetite will be the death of her (I will not go into deep details about her affinity for chocolate...of all things, or how she once devoured one of those scented markers and her mouth was dyed purple for a week).

For the longest time I was bound to my mom's laptop. But it didn't let me do anything. Put simply, it used to be mine. It fell victim to a tragic fate. Someone spilled water on it and's innards were electrocuted. If laptops were not inanimate objects, I think it would be fair to say that the device in question harbors a very deep grudge against me.

Well, enough about ranting about the lamentations of laptops. Since my last posting, things have gotten very busy and I have a lot of new pointless things to blog about (now would be a good time to pray for your sanity). This includes: the long awaited senior prank, graduation, and the crazy events that followed. And no, we did not release pigs onto the school's campus. I suppose this is a relief to some...and a depressing disappointment to others.

To regain my dignity, I will try to stay up typing as much as I can. I want to get caught up anyway. That, and I am rather amused with this keyboard.

I know; I am easily amused by many things. It comes with the territory of being an only child I guess. I have a desktop now, for obvious reasons. That alone is enough to keep me occupied. (Not to brag or anything...but it is cool. It is a touch screen, for the boredom impaired I assume.)


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