Ninja Birds...?

Posted by Searching Life at Thursday, June 24, 2010
When Dora and I were at the pet store, we found something rather amusing in the bird section.

First, the Naruto universe has extended to the bird kingdom.

There were three birds in a cage, one with a blue beak, one with a pink beak, and one with an orange beak. (Do you see where I am going with this?)
The blue one was on the highest perch, fluffed up in the corner. It glared at the other two with eyes that said "look at those losers". The other two spent most of their time jumping back and forth between the two lower perches. Every so often, the one with the pink beak would stare at the blue one or jump near the it and tried to get its attention. Of course, the one with the orange beak would proceed to annoy the blue one with its antics. The blue one would then look away as if to say "I don't know this moron, I swear".

My imagination ran away with me and I pondered other possible Naruto birds. I assume the pet store would run into some issues if there were Akatsuki birds that plotted world domination...

Other things we saw...
1.) A breed of dove that had eyes that looked like doughnuts.
2.) Another bird that kept choking on grass.
3.) Fish that follow each other like lemmings.
4.) A really adorable cat (just throwing that out there because I am a cat person)


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