Guilty Confession: I Laugh Hysterically During Horror Movies

Posted by Searching Life at Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I spent the day with Dora.. It consisted of visiting a pet store, watching Full Metal Panic (Fumoffu included), reviewing mass amount of fan fiction together (as she is my writing buddy - luv you Dora), followed by attending the 50th anniversary showing of Psycho at this awesome theater that shows really old movies as well as newer ones.

(I have to say, I enjoyed that movie theater immensely. For one, they placed a mannequin of an old lady next to the screen. They really get into the fun of things. And two, it is the first one I have been to that raffles off gifts in the beginning. In this case, it involved Psycho movie-themed pop-up books and shower curtains.)

Ironically enough, there are references to Psycho found in the comic relief arc of FMP, Fumoffu. I just never picked up on them till now. Needless to say, it made me laugh at the most awkward moments in the theater. Anyone within a 4ft radius questioned if I was the psycho one. Well, put simply in the words of Dora, it is always good too laugh in the movie when a brutal murder is about to take place. And laugh I definitely did!

1.) I laughed in the infamous shower scene. Long story short, in Fumoffu there is a parody of this scene involving a teddy bear mascot and a random piece of fruit. Thus, while the female lead of Psycho was being stabbed I found myself lauging and spontaneously shouting that the knife was actually a banana. I was practically rolling on the floor laughing.

2.) I also couldn't help but laugh at the creeper guy in the movie. Why? Because in the first season of FMP there is a boy who has tragically been given experimental drugs. And therefore, he is terribly OCD. He cannot carry on a decent conversation with somone without going crazy because they need to "straighten their damn tie". If they fail to fix said article of clothing, he will turn crazy.
And so, I laughed in Psycho with that scene going on in my head, imagining to myself that the reason for the next murder would be caused by the detective's askew tie.

3.) On the other hand, some of the things I laughed at were not connected to Fumoffu. The following dialog had me laughing like crazy.
"No I will not hide in the fruit cellar. You think I am fruity huh?" then I figured out that the creeper son was in fact the cross-dresser acting as his own mother. Not to mention I had an inside joke from a convention going on in my head. Yes, Norman a trap! He is a rather old and ugly looking trap...but a trap nonetheless (Only fellow otakus will comprehend that)

4.) I also laughed at the piece of dialog that went like this.
"I refuse to speak of disgusting things because they disgust me!"

Yes, yes we know. Hence the discussion. In general, people in this movie lacked common sense.

4.) I even laughed at the most climactic part of the movie. Remember my entry in December 2009 on my summer reading experience. That taught me that there are people crazy enough who will hang on to corpses. So, I wasn't phased when this happened in the movie, I even anticipated it. For some reason, I laughed at this. The creeper gave a whole new meaning to "mama's boy" in an almost stupidly disturbing way. Now, I think it is evident why I have re-named Norman "the creeper" and I will forever address him as such.

I laughed at many other things in this movie, many of which are to bizarre for me to make sense of. In general, horror movies make me laugh. I don't really know why. I suppose I can partly blame anime for my strange sense of humor (seeing as how I relate many things to it...).


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