Summary of Summer

Posted by Searching Life at Monday, June 21, 2010
Initially, I had hoped to make all my senior, graduation, and trip stuff more fun to read. But alas, once it hits 2 in the morning I get lazy until I hit my hyper state at around 3. So, I figure I can just give a summary like Dora does in her blog. (Her's is actually FUN to read -  

  ~Senior Trip!~
The first day we spent hours at the San Diego Zoo. I saw pleanty of odd creatures there that I have never heard of them before. Put simply, it was evident that God most certainly does have a sense of humor.

Next we hit the beach. I don't really have much to say about that really. It was really cold at the time so, I dug a giant hole and sat in it. Oh, at there was a creeper there too. Remember what I told you about my reverse harem. I only attract children and creepers.

My personal favorite on the list was Disneyland. For future reference, there is a drink you can buy there that contains sprite and apple syrup (horray for high fructose corn syrup...and that would be sarcasm.) Actually, what made that drink special was the fact that it GLOWED. Yes, glowed AND changed colors. Imagine my elation. Rest assured. It was not radioactive. Remember how I am easily amused? They put a fake ice cube in it that happened to have a built in led light. And there was even a button on it that changed the settings. My fellow seniors seemed to be embarrased to have me in their small group of people because I could not help playing with it.

And on the last day we went to Six Flags. I can't say much about it because I was dubbed the pack mule. Like computer repairmen, Six Flags staff are money grubbing enablers. You have to pay to keep wallets and such in a locker for one hour. Otherwise, someone from the group will have to sit out. And there seems to be an unspoken veiw that the "non-rider" is too whimpy for the fun rides and has been ostracized. I found this rather irritating as I DO love roller coasters.

Here is an interesting fact. PRCA's high school graduation was held at the same exact church as my Casas 8th grade graduation. And four years ago, I tripped up the stairs...and then down them. This year, I walked up the stairs, maybe even gracefully (though that could be pushing it) but tripped down the stairs...but TWICE. I blamed the escort of course. Now, is that an improvement from before or just Murphy mocking me?

I would like to say that my friends gave me an epic gift. They are shoes (resembling bright pink Converse) with all our inside jokes and such written on them. And of course, Ash felt compelled to draw Chibi Roy with puppy dog eyes and sparkes that plead for me to wear a mini skirt. Every time she draws such an image for me, I curse the day I was talked into cheerleading. Hari gives a good point on why I should resist the temptation of putting on such a monstrocity. Since he was drawn on the toe, he can see right up said skirt with his sharpie colored eyes.

I loved being able to go to Iowa for my cousins graduation. She is like my twin in many ways. We don't see it but even her own family members got us mixed up. And her boyfriend got us confused too, rather awkward.

She has photoshop talent (we share that interest too) and nothing quite like combining ourselves and the Exorcist movie pics into the slideshow for the family graduation party.

But for most of the party, I hid upstairs in her room. (Her graduation class had more than 400 kids so there was not really a need for me to be present at the time). How did I entertain myself you ask? I took pictures of my shoes that I got for graduation (the ones with all the quotes of my friends on them). I wanted to put it up as a profile pic on facebook. But, I suppose it was rather strange for one of her best friends who walked in on "some random person" taking pictures of her feet in Eileen's bedroom.

Things got better when we played "Keep Away". Along with star tipping, I have become addicted to such things recently. It is one of my favorite pool games ever. All my cousins and I plus a rubber ball in a tiny pool. There were two teams with 4 people on each. I suppose I like it because it reminds me of that game called Spoons. For some odd reason I find amusement in fighting passionatly over inanimate objects that have little value one minute but are "life or death" the next. I clawed my way to that ball...though now I have scrapes and bruises to prove it.

My next rant will be the Montana trip. But it was amazing and deserves a rant of its own.


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