When All Else Fails, Ingest Mass Amouts of Cheesecake

Posted by Searching Life at Tuesday, June 22, 2010
All hell broke loose on Father's Day. Our family went out to eat at Olive Garden. During the course of the meal, grandmother revealed that my cousin had graduated from college without telling anyone. Why is this a big deal? Two reasons.
One, graduations are a BIG deal in our family. (My high school graduation caused a big uproar-but that is another story).
Secondly, she majored in social work.

And why is that a big deal?
It impacts my entire summer. I have been planning to move out into a place my dad has for rent; it is the same place my cousin stayed in while she went to college. Basically, she went to community college and then university. Again, my plan mirrors that. She majored in social work. That was a majour that was roccomended for me. She had her daughter before she got married. But THIS aspect is most certainly NOT part of my plan.
Sadly, my mother has ingrained in her head that I will be following in the same footsteps as my cousin. Though this is not true, her hang ups have a big impact on my ability to move out.

Of course, the topic of conversation shifted to MY major and my alternatives. My other grandma (mom's side) came to the conclusion that journalism would fit me perfectly.
Dear readers (how few of you there may be), I take it that you are now rolling on the floor in uncontrolable fits of laughter.
Had she read my blog, such ideas would never pop into her head. I think that this blog makes it evident that it is something to be avoided. For THIS (what you read before you today) is the writing that I truly enjoy.

Everytime I go to Olive Garden, I get distracted my the array of attractive desserts on the dessert menue. I swear; that menu is a ploy to convince guests that if they don't order the most expensive thing on the list, they will regret it for the rest of their dull lives. There is one particular item that always gets my attention, despite my attempts to hide it from my periferal vision. Usually, I manage to resist all temptation. But that night I fell victim to the allure of the White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake. Often, I think to myself that cheese and cake are two elements that should never be combined. I have never been that great at chemistry, but my brain has come to the conclusion that cheesecake, if combined with white chocolate and rasberries, creates a harmonious blend of sweetness, cheesiness, fruitness,..and more sweetness. After devouring the entire slice, I was on Cloud Nine for the rest on the evening,

Lesson: No matter what stressful situation you are in, White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake will give you enough endorphins to make it through the day.

(Oh, and here is one more thing. Happy Belated Father's Day to all the fathers out there.)


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