Sweetness in a Jar

Posted by Searching Life at Sunday, August 08, 2010
There is a legend about my house.  My friend's father believed that it really wasn't a house at all, only walls.  I suppose by this he is insinuating that my mother and father, and even my dog are proof that there are alien races.  Anyway supposedly once stepping across the threshold of the building, a beam would take one up to the mother-ship.

Well, it is a fact that the house is a major disaster area; no one has walked inside of it as the mess is practically crawling up the walls.  I will alert all my followers when that day comes when we are featured on Hoarders: Buried Alice.

We constantly find things that we never knew we had.  Now, thanks to Dora and her family, a new theory for this phenomena exists.  It is the work of a fairy who blesses the home with random things.
In her family's case, the diverse fairy brings Violin duets and L-Squares.
At least her fairy is detail oriented and well...just more mature than the fairy of our's.

The fairy in our house embodies that of a small destructive child.

1.)  While I was cleaning my room the day I found those glow in the dark stars that are now plastered to my popcorn ceiling, I came across a most intriguing small jar.  It contains the tentacle of an octopus...it appears.  It is floating (more or less)  in some dark yellow liquid which is what I believe to be (and hope is)  octopus juice.

I have no recollection of buying this.

Initially, I figured it belonged to my dad, as he is quirky enough to spend money on such a thing.  Yet, neither of my parents recognize the floating body part.  My mom had no desire to keep it and my dad couldn't care less.  So the odd treasure is now on my desk with an assortment of shiny objects and my old Pokemon figures.

The jar says to "refrigerate after opening".  But I like it where it is, and am fairly certain that I would be sent to an early grave if my mom had coronary when finding it lurking among our left over T.V. dinners.

2.)  I have friends who are younger than me who wish to use my old textbooks.  The are in a stack by the front door because that is the place I placed them on the last day of school.  And it compliments the surrounding piles.  (There is an art to making an extremely cluttered home aesthetically appealing.)

A few days ago, while my family was going through them to find the ones we were passing down, we made a new discovery.  Right next to the pile of books sat, not one, but two fire extinguishers .  My parents looked at each other trying to figure out where they came from and why they were next to my school books.

I certainly couldn't reason through it either.  I had enough to drag to school every morning and there is no way I would find the energy to haul an additional two fire extinguishers.  My family let the matter drop as there was no evidence that I tried to set fire to my chemistry homework.

3.)  One day, my dad found a dead frog in the hallway.  I bet I could type that sentence alone and you could infer the rest.  The dog was outside the whole day and this did not appear to be her doing.  Being the role-model figure that he is...my father just placed it in a box, on the kitchen floor.

After my amusement at the fact that I could see for myself that fact truly is yellow-orange in color, and my mom's initial shock, it now resides in the front yard.  The tragic corpse spends its days rotting away and occasionally blowing into the rocks with the wind.

4.)  I can't say that this is terribly surprising, just puzzling.  Not only does my mother decorate our entire living space with piles of clutter, she accents these piles by hanging things.  Now, I hang things in my room.  But my drive to do so is limited to my assortment of anime wall scrolls.  I would call it modest in comparison, and far cry from my mother's near compulsive behavior.  Floor space is clearly lacking.  So, she decides to utilize wall space as well, but it extends beyond that.  She goes so far as to hang miscellaneous items from the miscellaneous piles of miscellaneous clutter, in the middle of the room.  She has done everything  just short of defying the laws of gravity.

One of these hanging items is...part of a pinata.  The leg of a unicorn to be specific.  And my mother decided to hang it from a bookshelf in the corner on the hallway.  I think I am the only one of my friends that can say "I was waking though my house and got kicked in the face by a unicorn".

5.)  Another random discovery is what appears to be blood spatter on the wall.  No one knows how it got there as it randomly appeared one day; no one was injured.  Now everyone just thinks of it as part of the other things that crawl up the walls.  I myself find it rather artistic, and sometimes I can't help but smile as I pass by.

But just like Dora's fairy, ours does not bring chocolate bars, much to my dismay.


Haruhi on Sunday, August 08, 2010 said...

I think I like your fairy better. Mine just brings L-squares and Violin duets, and goodness knows we have more than enough of those. (The violin duets, not the L-squares. As I mentioned before, none of my family has any memory of every having and L-square.) The most random things in my house are the people themselves, and I think we like it that way.

On a completely unrelated note, you should totally come on the Six Flags trip next year. It's soooo much fun!

Also, I think you might appreciate this website. It's what I try (and fail) to base the tone of my blog off of.

Haruhi on Sunday, August 08, 2010 said...

One last thing:

My eyebrows were creeping up my head when I read the first item.


Searching Life on Monday, August 09, 2010 said...

Thank you, Dora.
I do indeed appreciate that website, very much so in fact. Thank you for sharing.

As for the fairy matter, it has evolved into more of a pest control problem. Yet I can relate to what you said. Most of the people who live in my house are as random, if not more so, than the mysterious items inside.
Still, I am rather fond of your family's brand of random.

By the way, yes, it has been verified that the creature is an octopus...well, part of one anyway.

Searching Life on Monday, August 09, 2010 said...

Oh, one last thing. As far as tone goes. I like yours the way it is. It is most enjoyable when it sounds like you. Well, at least that is the way I think.

Do you believe you must bast the tone of a blog off something else? If so, I fail, because I that never occurred to me.


ChibiCommoner on Sunday, August 15, 2010 said...

First of all, LUV UR BACKGROUND! *FANGIRL MOMENT* and ur music is awesome :3
now to the real comment:
ur fairy sounds like Dora's Locker Demons X3 u should see it she drew it in neon dry erase on a jet black whiteboard...in her locker!
Wanna donate an extiguisher??? i dont think wwe have one haha XD actually im not suprised ppl havent burnt their books...too many bad memories of pointless homework!!! (plus u never get any money for them on the "buyback"!)
haha ur house is like an anime! (referring to #4)
third, on ur iPod, KAGAYAKU! KAGAYAKU!!!

Searching Life on Sunday, August 15, 2010 said...

Man, I really miss my lunch table buddies.
I even miss the demons in Dora's locker. We grew quite close despite our love/hate relationship.

I never went to the "buyback"; I either kept my textbooks or gave them to my younger friends to finally rid our house of them(your sister helped a lot.)


Anonymous said...

From Hari
Can you get a picture of the "blood splatter"?
For the record I'm not creepy, I'm studying to become a forensic scientist.

Searching Life on Monday, August 16, 2010 said...

Somehow Hari, I just KNEW that that would come up XD

It probably is not blood spatter; it just resembles it slightly.

Marie Goddard on Friday, July 29, 2011 said...

Wow... A fairy huh? I could probably help you there. You wouldn't believe how many fairy books I have. By diagnosis of the incidents you reported in this post, I believe you have a Boggart. ^_^ Among other things it could possibly be.

Marie Goddard on Saturday, July 30, 2011 said...

Thank you for the compliment^_^. My logic often warrants a cautious stare or an awkward silence from my friends. I wouldn't say your blog's a toxic waste dump. After all, there is a method to madness. And I understand the wallowing in your own chaos - I do it too. What you said about feeling as if a part of you has died when you're strapped for inspiration accurately describes how I feel as well. Like my muse has been working so hard on my story and then over time she becomes weaker and weaker until bam. No more muse. I have to either stop or work on something else entirely to get her to revive.

I'm so glad I was able to help you! I'm here any time you need some writer's or blogger's guidance (though I'm not quite sure what good I'll be...).

About your fairy, after reading your accounts upon what happened, my initial thought was that it was a Boggart(They are greedy little creatures that would rather hog the chocolate instead of giving it). It had been a while since I'd gone through my books so I was curious and wanted to confirm my suspicion. So I paged through one trying to discern something specific and I found something. It could be a Boggart, but I'd bet my money (which mostly consists of two dollars and a few cents...) that it is a Fir Darrig (another name is Fear Durg). He is mischievous and dressed all in red. Though he is harmless. He loves to play practical jokes. I don't know how this will help but I thought I'd give it a shot ^_^.

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