On the Topic of No Topics

Posted by Searching Life at Saturday, August 21, 2010
Since our youth group tends to have great conversations when sticking to the topic of no topics, and since I have no main idea for what I am going to write about today (I know, real shocker there), I am going to stick to that same theme.  In the words of Dora, I talk about nothing in a very wordy way...

(In this post, I will cover everything from special Sharpies and cookies to alternate dimensions and fail hamburger slices.)


Yesterday, I bought limited edition Sharpies.  Yes, not just Sharpies, limited edition ones.  Somehow, I feel as if I have accomplished something very spectacular, when compared to the rest of my mundane week.  They apparently include "Caribbean colors".  How they are significantly different from regular sharpies, I do not know.  But, for some odd reason it is just fun to say that something, even as simplistic as a permanent marker, is limited edition.

Along with the markers, I bought a backpack.  So now, I can get my backpack signed by all my friends.  My mom had the day off yesterday, we figured that we would go shopping for the things at Office Max.
While my mom musing at the fact that I was musing about regular v.s. limited edition Sharpies, one of the employees came to "help" me.  In my opinion, their brand of "help" is more along the lines of pester.  I was just looking at Sharpies for goodness sake!  Why on earth did such acts have to demand so much attention?

When the obnoxious employee realized that I did not need assistance with my Sharpie browsing, she moved on to helping my mother.  And my mother was just in shock that I felt the need to buy the limited edition sharpies.
Employee:  Oh, it is just a thing little girls do

I twitched slightly at that comment, but said nothing as I moved to pay for the items at the register.
Employee:  What grade are you in, sweetie?

It was very evident that this woman thought that I could be no older than a freshmen in high school; I speak from experience.  So, I corrected her, seeing no gain in letting her believe otherwise.  I am indeed a freshmen, in college that is!


I had another instance this week where someone confused my age.  Only this one was far more rewarding.
My friend's mom picked me up from a college class to take me to their house.  We figured that we would stop to get pizza on the way.
Employee:   Would you like some cookies sweetie?

I looked at my friends mom, for dramatic effect, with a wondering look in my eye.  And yes, I have perfected this to an art.
Friend's Mom: *smiles and noods* Oh, yes please!

So, part two of my act was to walk up to the counter with a greedy/anticipating smile on my face.  It works well, too.  I got three packages of cookies.
Employee: Here you go, honey.  And have a nice day.
I thanked her and left, with my mass amount of cookies.

(But, considering we also bought the new Recess Chips Ahoy cookies, the ones from the pizza place looked kinda "meh".  Still, cookies are cookies.)


And yesterday I also went to Black-Kun's house where we spent most of the day cooking dinner, watching Tim Hawkins' videos, and playing that game on the Wii with Link's crossbow.
After calling the oven a "window" a few times, we have made and inside joke that there is an alternate dimension in Black-Kun's oven.  And I have also discovered something that I should have figured out all along; if I am left alone to cook, cataclysmic events could shortly follow.

We made hamburger meat because we  decided we needed some protein.  While flipping them, we ended up ripping them apart into something that no longer looked like a hamburger slice.  But that was okay; we didn't have any hamburger buns to put them in anyway, nor toppings for that matter.  So, we proceeded to eat the meat plain.  Feeling like barbaric cavemen, we grabbed a hot-dog bun that we found wrapped up on the counter and stuffed the meat into it.  I was lucky enough to find ketchup.  So, I smothered the liquid on the meat until it seemed somewhere on the borderline of being yummy again and too ketchup...y the next moment.

And as I type this I get a bit annoyed by my keyboard.  It isn't because of my typing dyslexia or anything, I am just never in the right place.  My screen is too tall.  So, the built in webcam only gets my unflattering forehead while I am on skype.  I have to compensate by raising the chair.  But then my arms are not in the right place for typing.  Ah, decisions decisions.

Sadly, that is all I have to say.  I guess this is what happens when I am on the topic of No Topics.  It was a lovely experiment nonetheless.


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