Seniors: We're All Mad Here

Posted by Searching Life at Thursday, April 29, 2010 0 comments
I missed on of the most fun class meetings I could ever attend; the one where we discuss our senior prank. Long story short I got lost and missed the entire thing and ended up accidently sitting through the ASB leadership elections instead (which consisted of watching current members dress up in sombreros, hula skirts, and superhero capes).

Though I really did miss out on the fun of the class meeting. Pranks to be considered are secretly putting alarm clocks in lockers and have them go off at random times, parking all the cars in an odd location, and a few other treasures I shall not mention until the appropriate time.

But the best part of the whole thing is the reject list of suggestions. They range anywhere for putting dead fish up in the ceiling tiles (ha...yummy) ...

to (my personal "favorite" because it is without a doubt one of the dumbest things I have ever heard). We would begin by taking a large number of pigs, paint numbers on them from one to five of so but leaving out the number three. We would procedee to release these pigs on campus. Then, supposedly, we would watch as the rest of the school crazily chases down the pigs to find Pig #3, which (to our amusment?) would not exist.

How would we convince the rest of the school to play our little game? I have no idea. Perhaps we would bribe them with a (imaginary) prize for finding the (imaginary) Pig #3. I suppose we would reward them for tolerating such stupidity by giving them bacon. < Click it. The video seems to complement this random post.

Hypotensive Overlordess of the Nerf Gun

Posted by Searching Life at Saturday, April 17, 2010 0 comments
Since this is soon approaching the last month of my senior year, I daily become more and more aware of how slow the days are getting. I can hardly believe that I am graduating. I will miss all my younger minions sooo much.

But enought of that. I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on things that I won't miss. I loathe getting up for school in the morning. It means I can't sleep in anymore. (I am so cranky and violent during the first hour, or so everyone tells me). When I was in Italy on my Europe trip, I slept through the bus colliding into a stone wall while everyone else was panicking in shock. You get the idea; I sleep like the dead. Well, if you hang a doughnut in my face there is a slight chance I might get up.

My poor mother has to suffer the most. Starting the school year was always the worst for her.
A week before school starts up, she tries to wake me up early to get used to the whole school schedule again. But it is her own loss....

I will elaborate. I have saved up and invested my money in a Nerf gun. I keep it in my loft bed to ward off any annoying family members in the morning. And it has served me well. Woe to all of those happy-go-lucky morning morons who sing odes of joy to the glorious burnt toast and cardboard microwavable waffles. Disturb my heavenly slumber and you will face the wrath of flying styrofoam.

A Rant About the One of the Scariest Scenes I Have Seen in Anime and a Sidenote about Handsome Plushies

Posted by Searching Life at Saturday, April 10, 2010 0 comments
One of my deepest fears I attribute to anime.

Does anyone else get freaked out when they see the pony hair rapist from Fumoffu?! I swear that thing gave me nightmares about an insane pony-man trying to rape my hair. Of course, I never knew this was even possible. I feel so scarred yet...not scarred at the same time.

I really hope no real sickos in this world see that. Ever. I can just see the headlines now. They portray a creeper in a rabid looking horse mask chasing down young girls to comb their hair and give them ponytails of wire and glue.

Anyway, from time to time I stare at my closet picturing that freak to pop out with a hairbrush. I clutch my Riku (from Kingdom Hearts) plushie.

Which brings me to a side note. Has anyone noticed that Riku doesn't do ANYTHING, yet he is so darn muscular? But Sora swings around the keyblade all day, yet he has twig arms. I have a theory that all the muscle goes to his feet. Why else would his shoes be so big? Then again, as I look down at the plushi of Riku...his arms are the exact same size as the arms of the Sora plushie. Now, I do realize that a buff plushie is slightly contradictory, but couldn't they have put a TINY bit more stuffing in Riku's plushi arms? He looks malnurished in comparison to his usual manly self.

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