The Apple Does Not Fall Far from the Tree

Posted by Searching Life at Saturday, February 12, 2011

Father: "So, what movie did you watch at Black-kun's?"
Me:"Kung-Fu Panda!"
Father:"Man, that sounds really dorky."

This conversation happened a week ago.  Dear audience, I know that you are thinking the exact same thing as my dad. "You are a dork".  And yes, this is true.  Anyone who has read my writing here can verify it.

But in my defense, it runs in the family.  All of it.  The nerd moments.  The love for food.  All of it.
All of these conversations with my father have happened the past week.  

While forcing him to sit through "Despicable Me":

Father: I still can't figure it out.  What are those dumb looking things?
Me: Dad, it is almost the end of the movie.  They are minions.  If they were real, I would adopt one for myself.
Father: *scoff*  "Minions"?!  How stupid can you get?  They look like Twinkies....makes me hungry.


Today, my mom and I attended my friend's funeral.  My dad, who never really met the woman, tagged along.

I have a theory that he let us go to the reception just so he could eat food (sorry, but if you knew him, you wouldn't put it past him either).

Father: Jennifer, make yourself useful. Go grab me a cookie.
Me: No, I have to say goodbye to Lindsey and her family.  Get your own.
Father: Marcia, stop talking to people and go get me a cookie.

Then he left, annoyed, to get back to the car.

Father: Where is my cookie?
Mom: You left.  I started eating it out of spite.
Me: You actually did something out of spite?!  That isn't like you at all.
Father: Whatever.  Jennifer!  Run back inside and get your dad a cookie.


It really does run in the family.
After the funeral, we dropped by the park.  There was a party for my cousin's daughter's 5th birthday.
And a discussion about the Wii, Wii Sports, and Just Dance 2.
I have tried to get my dad to play with me before. He won't hear me out.  My aunt and cousin did a better job of convincing him than I ever could.

Aunt: Just Dance2 is really amusing for old farts like us.
Anthony:  The boxing one on Wii Sports is my favorite, man.
Father:  They really have stuff like that?  Jennifer, is he being serious?  Can you really do all of that?

(True enough.  When I am "old fart", I will force my young relatives to let me play the newest video game things that come out.  They will be no match for my skills.)


Riann-chan said...

ill bring ur dad a flippin cookie! XD

Searching Life on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 said...

You do that, and watch as he steals yours as well. Just don't say that I didn't warn you.

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