Things I Like & Things I Hate

Posted by Searching Life at Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I am so glad I don't have to take a science class this year. But in not-so-loving memory of my science class last year, I shall type a rant dedicated to the evils of science fair projects. It isn't that I hate science really, I just fail quite epiclly at it.

Trust me, I could rant for days about my hatred for chemistry. Anyway, long story made really short: I was sick, missed a lot of school, went on the D.C. trip once I was somewhat recovered, and thus my science fair project sucked (or "inhaled profusly", in the words of my science teacher).

But, shall still mention the title: "The Viscosity of Non-Newtonian Fluids".

To make things simple ('cause I like simple) the project basically consisted of making slime and dropping marbles in it, stretching it to see how far it would go, and timing how long it took to go down a ramp. Simple, yet entertaining in some ways. Until it moved as slow as a sloth on sake. Then I hated everything to do with it.

So, to the point, all these judges come to look at the displays and completed projects, and at the end of school, they call certain people down to ask them questions. Apparently, those who are called down have a chance to win the awards and such. But why I don't understand is why my project was one of these. I thought my project was mere child's play desinged for the science inept.

I absolutely hated it. First of all, I wasn't even done with it really! I still had to give my oral presentation and other final stuff. Secondly, I had just gotten back from the D.C. trip at like 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. I need at least 10 hours of sleep to function properly. I was way behind. And at that point, I would be lucky if I even remembered how to spell, much less what my science fair project entailed.

Basically, all the judges were aging science nerds (sorry to stereotype but it was true). They practically interrogated me. With only a few hours of sleep and inept at understanding physics or chemistry in any way, shape, or form . . . was I really supposed to comprehend words such as "speed velocity"? I contemplated if the language they were speaking was truly English. (And if these know-it-all beings were in fact human.) At any rate, from a single glance I could tell that they were to mature for their own laugh (as Kelsy and I put it).

At last, the final person I talked to (go figure right?) admitted to find my project "absolutely fascinating". To my excitement, he was younger and used a more modern vernacular If playing with a slime-like substance and doing tests on it was considered "absolutely fascinating" to this guy, then I figured he had to have some sense on humor in it all. So, to some degree, we were on the same wavelength.

Despite the suffering through brain twisting questions, there was good that came out of it. In the end, I was given a yummy lollipop <3>


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