Is It A Good Idea to Microwave This?

Posted by Searching Life at Thursday, September 30, 2010 3 comments
I am beginning to think that I should stick to the saying "that which does not kill me serves as blog fodder".  Yet, although I haven't died (obviously), I haven't written anything in a long time.  Well, I have been preoccupied watching those youtube celebrities that make the "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?" videos.

No, you cannot tell me that this is not intriguing.  I highly recommend these if you want to watch things explode.  They cook my brain cells, among other things.

Ever since I saw them test the microwaving of a blowfish, I have been wondering about what would happen if I stuck that jarred octopus of mine in the microwave for a few minutes.  The more I think about it, the more curious I become!  Please pray that I don't dwell on this for too much longer.  I have a lingering suspicion that my mom would not approve...and that such an attempt would go down in history as another one of my infamous "quirks".
But if I do try this, and survive, I shall tell you all about it.  (For that which does not kill me serves as blog fodder). 

In Other Words, We Eat Stuff

Posted by Searching Life at Monday, September 13, 2010 2 comments
I seem to write about food a lot :/
Yes, I do like food.  I am not some glutton, nor am I even over 100 pounds.  Food is essential to daily living.  I LOVE FOOD!
Yet, I can't help but find it extremely awkward that I write about food.  A lot.

So, if you haven't already figured it out, once again I shall be writing about food.

First I would like to make a reference to Hari's blog.  She wrote a lovely post about our Popcorn Club.  I will briefly explain in a way that will not steal her thunder.  In short, at community college our group of friends routinely make popcorn. We devour it.  End of explanation.  (The stuff at the cafe is ridiculously expensive, and I too broke, with spending money on books, to stand forking out an additional $6.00 for not very good, overrated, mass-produced chicken strips.)

But recently our group has been pondering extending our horizons.   Just last week we shared a bag of beef jerky, and this got us thinking.  Why should we limit ourselves to popcorn?  Yes, popcorn is amazing butteriness in a bag.  But who can deny other wonderful foods, such as Lucky Charms, which are magically delicious?  So Emily and I think that a name change is now in order.  We contemplated changing it to the Popcorn, Beef Jerky, Goodfish (yes, the cracker kind), Cheetos, Ice Cream, Popsicle, Brownie, Cake (on birthdays), Cupcakes (any day), Cake (wait...any day simply because we can), Insert Other Foods Here -Eating-Club.  Unfortunately, most normal people should find that to be a mouthful.  So, it has been shortened to the Eating Club, with the former as our alternate title.  (Yup, this is probably going on a poster of some kind).
And we have adopted the phrase, In other words, we eat stuff, as our mantra.

Of course, this is currently an un-official club.  My friends and I dream of the day where we have funding and more members who will supply us with food.  But I think the title Eating Club gives off the impression that we are all obese gluttons, which is not true.  The cafe food is just far to expensive.  And we are far to lazy to go about this any other way.

On the Topic of No Topics 2

Posted by Searching Life at Sunday, September 12, 2010 2 comments
Oh no...I am at it again. Mindless babbling. (In this post, I will cover everything from the ice cream man and Trauma Team to nose-themed boss battles and alarm clock anger.) 
I sit before you typing this with a bowl of cookie dough ice cream as my dad proceeds to chase after the ice cream truck down the street. It is an amusing sight. Luckily, the silly yet alluring tune should lead him there. It is oddly exhilarating to release ones inner child and set out on a race to hunt down the ice cream man in his fruity truck. Sadly, my mom fails to relish in our joy.

I remember when the ice cream man played a very familiar tune to me. Let me elaborate. In the third Sailor Moon movie, the children are kidnapped and taken on creepy flying ships to a castle in the sky where this evil queen puts them in dream boxes so that their "dream energy" will create a black hole big enough to engulf earth. They are kidnapped when they are put under a spell played by a special flute and can thus be commanded from their sleep-walking state.

Yes, the ice cream man used to play the same tune.

I am sorry I haven't written anything until now this month. However, I feel that I have a valid reason. And it is called Trauma Team for the Wii. (The whole Trauma Center series has a wonderful plot.) I finally have my own copy. Unlike its prequel that I already owned, called Second Opinion, it doesn't just have surgery. Now it has forensics, diagnostics, first response, endoscopy, and orthopedics (because what's not there to love about operating on someone's blones with a drill?!).

For me, endoscopy is the absolute worst. Although the character you are playing invested in her own personal golden endoscope, it is by no means magical. I mean, no matter how you look at it, you are still shoving a camera down someones throat (at least...I am pretty sure that is the orifice which I go through - minus the time that I had to maneuver my way through the glutes of a cat ). I always get lost in the stomach...

Ever since I bought games from this series, it is not uncommon for my parents to hear me ranting about my patients and their ailments. I hate thrombi (these irritating moving blood clots) and I constantly curse the little monsters. My mother gives me weird looks as I say to the screen "you sir, have a lot of annoying tumors...this is not good". My dad offers little assistance as he pushes me over and over, while maniacally laughing "he was on is way out anyway", as I look at the screen in terror when his vitals drop to zero.

I have to say, I love the tumors in Trauma Team. They are red, sparky, jewel-looking things. They make me smile. In Second Opinion they were just dark purple blobs of tumor doom = death!
Another game that I bought recently is entitled WarioWare Smooth Moves. I brought it to Dora's birthday party. We agree that it has to be the strangest yet most addicting thing we have ever played. It makes you wonder if the creators were insane or absolute genius.

I don't have much to explain about it other than that it is basically a series of mini games, and in one of them the "Boss Battle" was beaten by throwing a multitude of bananas into the nostrils of a gigantic nose made of stone...
I was reading through some of my old fan-fiction and noticed the vast majority of the stories have something in common. Somewhere in the story, I destroy and alarm clock in an extremely violent fashion. It is a process that can even involve stabbing the thing with a kunai knife or watching it explode into flames.

This reflects my hatred for them in real life. So, I found an inexpensive treasure on ebay with will hopefully make this process a little less painful. It looks like this ...

Try as I may to hide the side of me that loves sickeningly cute things like this, I cannot help but smile when I look at it. So, I think it shall hopefully brighten by day.

(I hope my strange rantings about my mundane life do the same for yours.)


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