Seasons Greetings, Warnings, And Tributes

Posted by Searching Life at Monday, December 17, 2012
I am burying my head in shame that it has been over a YEAR since I have blogged.  Well, I suppose that isn't entirely true.  I was lured away by tumblr and twitter...which I neglect from time to time too.  Why is it so hard for me to remain faithful to one or another?  I know I have brought this up before, but I really do feel like I am cheating on them with each other...which makes me bury my head further in shame.  It won't be long now before I run out of oxygen.

Anyway,  hello my followers!   Please allow me to virtually glomp you!  Despite the paragraph above, I assure you that I am not some zombie who has crawled out from under a rock or anything.  So, I am not carrying some kind of plague, nor will I fall to shambles at your feet in a feeble after a feeble attempt to eat your brain.

Though I suppose it is true that college students are the closest thing to zombies one would hope to find in the real world.
...Perhaps they are distant cousins. You know, the ones whom you have never met before.  The very same ones that you are stuck awkwardly sitting next to at the children's table on Thanksgiving, segregated from all humanity.  Yes, there is no denying it; I am a bit resentful.  And it's not even over and done yet.

and they are heavily armed with Christmas cards and fruitcakes!

Since it has been a year, it seems that I have a lot to catch up on.  I suppose I could start by making up for all the holidays I missed.  Then again, you get enough of that from the aforementioned family members.  So instead, I will pay homage to all the dear holidays that have been overlooked by many.  They may be obscure (ok, lets not sugar-coat it, they ARE obsucre), they may be  stupid.  But have you eve known me to be phased by such things?...Don't answer that.

I think I'll start with January, and work my way through the other months in the days to come.


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